Before the first appointment

Preparing for your first appointment





Before your first session it is a good idea to consider how you would like to benefit from the sessions. You can be very specific and/ or very general. You may for example ask yourself: What would I like to be different in my life when therapy has ended. It may include your intimate relationships, friends, family, work, education, leisure, etc. It can also include specific actions such as the kind of risks you want to take and how you want to interact with others.

Sometimes it is difficult to understand and clarify exactly what you would like to be different. This is normal. It may be easier to describe your symptoms; thoughts, sensations and feelings that makes it difficult to change.

A session can also start by exploring these questions together.

In short; while you may want to prepare sometimes it is difficult and there is absolute no requirement for your preparation.

During and between consultations

In the first session we will ask questions that can help us understand why you are seeking help; what is bothering you and what would you like to change. When we have laid out what situations or feelings, you have difficulties managing we can start therapy. You will sometimes receive homework between consultations that assist you with achieving your therapeutic goals.

Rescheduling and cancellation

If you are unable to attend your appointment please advice us as soon as possible and before 9:00 am one working day prior to your appointment. You can use email, phone or the answering machine. This allows us to free up our time and offer the appointment to someone else. You will be charged the full consultation fee when you have not cancelled in due time.

Can I cancel using TXT / SMS?

No, sometimes our numbers are forwarded and the messages does not get relayed. You can always write an email, give us a call or leave a voice message.


We are subject to strict laws regarding the protection of our clients’ identities. It means that you can share information and talk about what is important to you in complete confidentiality. Even during supervision key elements are altered to protect your identity.

Can anyone “see” that I have visited a psychologist?

We are a private clinic and as such your visits are not registered in a “public” health register when you pay yourself. If a third party is paying in full or in part (e.g. insurance), they will have information  about your claim and referral. We are not allowed to give information to any third party without your consent – unless your life or someone else’ life is in danger.

When your sessions are covered by an insurance they often require that we provide a small progress or status indicating whether you benefit from therapy. Please feel free to ask us if you have any questions.

Ending therapy and consultations

You decide when you want to terminate therapy. You can let us know during the consultation, write an email or leave a message on the answering machine. Our job is to make you independent of therapy. In general, it is difficult to predict how many consultations you need. Often 6-12 sessions over a period of 3-5 months will help clients reach their therapeutic goals.


Sometimes we take notes during the course of conversation. It helps assist our memory between sessions. You can freely view the notes if you ask.


Before or after the consultation you will be asked to pay with MobilePay or with cash (please bring the exact amount). Unfortunately, we cannot accept card payments. If you are covered by insurance and let us know in advance, we may be able to forward the invoice to them.


Therapy may raise a range of questions and feelings. During the consultations you are free to ask and address any thoughts or feelings that may surface. The consultation is also an experimental setting where you can test new skills, receive feedback, and build motivation to exercise them outside the clinical environment. You need not to hold back, we are professionals and trained at being present with your thoughts and feelings – also when they concern the sessions and how you feel about our performance.


We receive supervision. This is a forum where we discuss theory, interventions, and methods with professional colleagues. When we receive advice on a client, the client is always anonymous. The supervision team are all psychologist and subject to strict laws of confidentiality. Our goal is to offer you the best therapy and intervention available.

EGOLAB Psykologcenter ApS

CVR-no.: 40153381

+45 4245-4600

Opening hours

Mon.-Fri 9:00-5:00pm
Contact us for appointments outside normal working hours

Vendersgade 4, 2. sal - 1363 København K

Lyngby Hovedgade 96, ST, 2800 Kgs Lyngby

Rådhustorvet 5, 2. sal, 3520 Farum

Solrød Strand 92, 2680 Solrød Strand

Goldschmidtsvej 1, 1th 4760 Vordingborg

Færgeparken 21, 3600 Frederikssund

Ryesgade 10, 1. sal 8000 Aarhus C

EGOLAB København




EGOLAB Vordingborg

EGOLAB Frederikssund