Psychologist in Lyngby
Our Lyngby office offer psychotherapy, counselling, assessment and testing
Our team of English speaking psychologists can assist you make the change you are looking for. In Lyngby we provide couples therapy, treatment of adults, youth and children. We also offer assessment and tests in English. Find our office here.

Max B Pedersen
Adults, couples and youth
Find our office
No waiting – start your treatment now
How to get start therapy
It is easy to get started. You can call us or write us anytime using the contact form below. We also offer consultations using Skype if you prefer a consultations from your home.
Discreet access
Our office is located in a large office building with a range of different businesses. You can enter through the main entrance next to the court or through the back door of the building.

Treatment, coaching and counseling
Welcome to our Lyngby office. Our team has been offering consultations to the expat community since 2013.
We are a private clinic meaning you define the problem you want to work with and we will help you achieve the change you are looking for. You do not need a referral from your GP.
Adults, couples, youth, children and families
We offer treatment for adults, couples, youth, children and families. We have a programt for children and families called “Cool-Kids”, which helps the child and parents learn to tackle anxiety. When you write us we will match you with an experienced psychologist.
Prices, insurance and subsidy
Consultations are offered at the list price. If you have a private health insurance we are often able to invoice them in full or part. Please let us know before the consultation if you want to use an insurance – some insurances have certain limitations.
If you are member of “Danmark” you may also be entitles to a subsidy per session.
In Copenhagen our graduates offer sessions at a reduced rate.

Meet Max B Pedersen
Licensed psychologist and specialist in clinical psychology, phd
Consultations in English and Danish
Adults, couples, youth, families and children. Assessment, testing and treatment.
Office: Lyngby, Copenhagen and online
Tel.: +45 4245-4600
CVR-nr: 28617232
I currently have limited intake and I only offer couples therapy and double sessions (2x50 minutes) for individual therapy as well as diagnostic assessments and testing.
I am the founder of EGOLAB and clinical director. I work with adults, couples, coach professionals and offer personality and clinical testing & assessment. I am engaged in teaching and supervision of psychologists and multidisciplinary teams.
I offer treatment of affective psychological challenges such as stress, anxiety, depression, crisis and self-worth. I also help couples work through difficulties and find a way forward with more of what they want in the partnership.
If you feel stuck professionally I can help you work on your personal and professional development. We will explore and try to understand blind-spots that may be hindering you achieving what you want.
Conference presentations and articles
2018 Boehling, M. “ACT with love - Helping couples act", ACBS Nordic, Denmark introspection”, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
2017 Boehling, M. “Resilience and decisionmaking; an experientiel introspection”, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
2016 Boehling, M. “New ACT competencies using RFT and FC: Beyond textbook interventions”, ACBS, Nordic, Denmark
2014 Boehling M. ”Exercise: Embracing fears”, ACBS Denmark generalforsamling, september 2014. København, Denmark. En øvelse i at møde angst.
2012 Boehling, M. og Knudsen, O. B. “Mindfulness- og acceptance based leadership”, Arbejdsmiljø konference
2012, 19. November, Denmark. 2012 Boehling, M. og Knudsen, O. B. “Psychological coping at work: pathology, normality and treatment”, Arbejdsmiljøkonference 2012, 19. November, Denmark.
2012 Boehling, M. “Dynamic ACT”. Theoretical presentation at Symposium Nordic Forum for ACBS, Stockholm, Nov 9th, 2012.
2012 Boehling, M. “Dynamic ACT”. Workshop at Nordic Forum for ACBS, Stockholm, Nov 9th, 2012.
2012 Boehling, M., Lundgren T. and Christensen, N. “Remote intervention” Nordic Forum for ACBS, Stockholm, Nov 10th, 2012.
2012 Boehling, M. “ACT and pain”. Presentation at the Danish Forum of private practicing anaesthesiologists, Middelfart, 28. September 2012.
2012 Boehling, M. “How ISTDP can strengthen the ACT intervention”, ACBS World Conference Washington, July 2012.
2012 Boehling, M. og Braskov, S. “Mindfulness og acceptbaseret ledelse”, DJØF bladet, 11, 2012. 2012 Boehling, M., and Halsboe, L. “For åbne døre” . Psykolog Nyt nr. 3, 2012.
2008 Boehling, M. “Managing and understanding employees’ group helping behaviours: A social identity perspective.” Academy of Management, (AoM), Anaheim, USA
2008 Boehling, M. “Antecedents of attractive teams and organizations: A social identity perspective” Academy of Management, (AoM), Anaheim, USA
2008 Boehling, M. “Antecedents of team and organizational identity: A social identity perspective” European Academy of Management, (EURAM), Ljubliana, Slovenia
2007 Boehling, M., Abrams, D., and Yeow, P. “Helping behaviors and hierarchically nested social categories.” British Psychological Society (BPS), social section, Canterbury, UK. 2007 Doctorate Consortium (OB division). Academy of Management (AoM), Philadelphia, USA
2007 Boehling, M.“ Towards high performing diverse teams.” European Academy of Management (EURAM), Paris, France.
2007 Boehling, M. “Sharpening Social Identities.” British Psychological Society, York, UK.
2007 Boehling, M. “The Psychological attractiveness of the work place: Organizational Citizenship behavior and Identity Management.“ International Academy of Management and Business, Las Vegas, USA.
2006 Boehling, M., “Social Identity and Group Management in Organizations.” European Academy of Management (EURAM), Oslo, Norway
Feel free to write me a message below
Direction – find our Lyngby office
Our office is located inside a large office hotel (“Kontorfælleskab”) next to the court in Lyngby.
The office is located on Lyngby Hovedgade 96, K3 in the same building as the court in Lyngby (“Retten i Lyngby”). When you are facing number 96 and the court there is an automatic glass door with a sign above “Kontorfællesskab”. Go through the doors and enter the elevator. Press “S” or “Kontorfællesskab”.
When you exit the elevator there is a waiting lounge (“Venteværelse”) to your right. We will pick you up here.
There is parking on Lyngby Hovedgade and in front of the court. You can also park around Christians d. Xs allé and walk down Lyacvej and enter through the back door marked “Lyngby Hovedgade 96 – Kontorfællesskab”.
Please make sure to read the parking signs. There are different parking zones outside the court; 15min, 30min and 2 hours.
Public transport
Lyngby S station is a 10min walk.

English speaking psychologist in Lyngby
EGOLAB Psykologcenter ApS